Wordless – Photographic art exhibition opening this Wednesday

Vivian Cooper Smith
C3 Contemporary Art Space – Space B

Opening Wednesday February 3, 2010

Image: Vivian Cooper Smith

Image: Vivian Cooper Smith

“Wordless is a collection of photographic images that examine a life without anchors, without precedents and without hope in eternity. It examines life in the dark, without the illumination of understanding and description. It is a meditation on losing a faith and unbelieving in God.

Vivian Cooper Smith grew up the son of missionaries in Bangladesh. After finishing school and a Fine Arts degree in Perth he moved to Melbourne 10 years ago. He works as a photographer and graphic designer and has exhibited widely both locally and nationally”.

Secret History of the Working Men’s College
RMIT Project Space
Group exhibition

Opening Thursday February 5, 2010

Artist’s inlcude:
[Anon], Rhett D’Costa, Richard Harding, Kate Just, Nick Pantazopoulos, Spiros Panigirakis, Drew Pettifer,  Jon Riethmuller, Jonas Ropponen, David Sequeira , Glenn Walls

Image: Drew Pettifer

Image: Drew Pettifer

“Secret Files from the Working Men’s College highlights some of the talent that over time has been fostered and released from the School at Art of RMIT University. Gallagher brings together artists who reflect on gay lifestyle through the subtle inclusion of queer content into their art practice. This exhibition is part of the Midsumma Festival’s Queer City”.

Canadian Pharmacy
Neon Parc
Group exhibition
Opening Wednesday February 3, 2010

Image: Stephen Bush

Image: Stephen Bush

Canadian Pharmacy is a group art exhibition that brings together 18 artists and collaborations from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The show includes artists works from the following: Dan Arps, Hugo Atkins, Stuart Bailey, Stephen Bush, Gabrielle De Veitri, Danielle Freakley, Ian Haig, Greatest Hits.

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