Upcoming digital photography seminars

Thankyou to those who attended Tim Handfield’s recent ‘Creating Photoshop Masters’ seminar. It was an interesting and successful workshop, and we look forward to many more in the new year.

See the list below for our upcoming one day workshops and two hour myth-busting sessions.

Tim Handfield Courses – Jan to June 2010

One-day Workshops

Digital Photography Fast Track    Sat    27/2/10
Understanding Digital Colour       Sat    20/3/10
Creating Photoshop Masters       Sat    17/4/10
Getting More from RAW            Sat    8/5/10
Digital Printing Revealed            Sat     22/5/10
Creative Colour Management      Sat    19/6/10

$175.00 each

Two-hour myth-busters information sessions
Digital Photography                        Wed    24/2/10
Resolution                                    Wed    10/3/10
Scanning                                      Wed    17/3/10
Camera RAW Processing                 Wed    14/4/10
Colour Management                       Wed    28/4/10
Digital Printing                               Wed    26/5/10

10am to 12 noon
$50.00 each

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