Alternative Photographic Processes
Gold St Studios Symposium
I have just been to the Alternative Photographic Process Symposium 2015 at the Gold Street Studios in Trentham East and what a sensational day it was.
There were several presentations and discussions on alternative photographic printing processes and the discovery of these printing methods.
Some of the processes talked about and shown were
-Prussian Blue Cyanotype by Lynette Zeeng academic director at Swinburne University,
-The new Chystotype process by Leanne McPhee fine art photographer.
There was a talk on the Perfect print bthanks to Chris Reid Director of Blanco Negro in Sydney.
Ellie Young (Gold street studios director) shared with us the findings of a four day conference held at the National Gallery of art in Washington DC on the Platinum/Palladium print.
Dianne Longly covered photogravure from its origins and it’s growing popularity today. Susan Purdy took us into her darkroom and art practice, showing us her spectacular photograms and how her surroundings are influencing her arts practice and her concerns for the environment.
Jane Hindwood – The Conservation coordinator from the State Library of Vitoria talked about conservation of photographic prints and storage.
To start the day Associate Professor of photography at Montana state University USA Christina Anderson spoke on alternative processes and the regrowth of the analogue process.
I (Phill Virgo, Colour Factory) spoke about the diversity of the services of my business but more importantly the benefits to the visual observation in creating a print when we have the skills of the analogue process and the hand made print.