One Week Only!
The city is alive with the sound of fashion. Melbourne Spring Fashion week is upon us and this fine art exhibition celebrates the tradition of the lbd.
10-8 Tuesday-Sunday
Georges on Collins
195 Little Collins St, Melbourne
“The Spirit of the Black Dress is an inaugural event on the Melbourne Spring Fashion Week Schedule. Emerging fashion and textile designers are asked to submit their interpretation of a contemporary black dress, to be judged by a panel of industry experts. Ten successful applicants will be chosen to have their garments professionally photographed and displayed in Georges on Collins for the duration of the Festival. Successful applicants will also gain access to a wide segment of the TCF&L industry including peers, established businesses and media. The Spirit of the Black Dress aims to give emerging designers an opportunity to gain exposure and synergy to strengthen intra-industry relationships and advance career options”.
Sponsored by Colour Factory
Wallara Travelling Scholarship
Victorian College of the Arts- Margaret Lawrence Gallery
Friday 28 August to Friday 4 SeptemberAn exhibition of finalists from the final year of Bachelor of Fine Art degree. The Wallara Traveling Scholarship offers a young artist the opportunity to travel overseas before returning to study
Bad Directions
Open Space Gallery Eckersley’s
Llawella Lewis and Nina Sers
Opening night Tuesday September 1, 6-8pm
Nina and Llawella collaborate to create a city. This art exhibition runs September 1-6 2009.