The Ballarat International Foto Biennale (BIFB)

Ballarat International Foto Biennale 2015

Congratulations to Jeff Moorfoot and all the staff, volunteers and helpers. What a wonderful program. The Program is a curated exhibition of 20 leading photographic artists and an open-entry presentation by more than 200 artists.

I recommend anyone with a passion for photography, get up to Ballarat and check out this magnificent event. It was certainly a great pleasure to assist with printing a few of the exhibitions. (Mitchell Kanashkevich  [Australia/Belarus]  ‘Summer in Braslav’ & Thomas Kellner [Germany]  ‘Genius Loci’) and congratulations to all the other artists and companies that chipped in to make this photographic eventa great success once again.

The 2015 edition of the festival will open on 22nd August and runs until 20th September 2015.

Phillip Virgo - Colour Factory Director & Master Printer



