Artwork & Film Scanning
Image capture is the first and perhaps most crucial step in the digital imaging process. At Colour Factory, our highly skilled staff work collaboratively with you to reproduce your originals as they are meant to be seen. We pride ourselves on creating high-resolution digital files from film and original artworks, ensuring all relevant details are preserved.
Our film scans, from 35mm up to 5×4, are performed on our state-of-the-art Flextight scanner and saved as 16-bit files. We capture the full tonal range, including highlights and dark shadows, and ensure that essential film characteristics, such as speed, grain, and film type, are honoured.
Artworks are photographed using German Leica lenses, known for their apochromatic and aspherical corrections, to deliver perfect reproductions.
We offer comprehensive services for film and artwork scanning:
- High-resolution scanning for 35mm up to 5×4 film
- Optional retouching for scratched or damaged originals (restoration fee may apply)
- Scans for retouching, web use, and large printing purposes.
- Uncompressed TIFF file delivery to preserve maximum image quality
All work is completed onsite – photographic capture/scanning, colour correction & printing