Zofia Nowicka – Cutouts
Polish born Zofia Nowicka is interested in the idea of the crowd as visual, abstract pattern. Her most recent project ‘Cutouts’ stems from her interest in abstract carpet design and explores ideas of infiniteness, continuity and ”singularity within the mass”. ‘Cutouts’ is an ongoing project that began in 2009 and consists predominantly of images of crowds in both Asia and Australia. Zofia explains that she captures people who are engaged in common rituals of everyday life. The series not only embodies Nowicka’s fascination with the crowd, but takes it a step further into the abstract as a physical interference with the surface is introduced. The cutouts stand between the viewer and content, shifting the viewer’s perception whilst disrupting the reading of the image content. “The crowd, with its ebbs and flows, its rhythmical pattern of decline and regrowth, it’s ever-changing, malleable and unfurnished fluid mass, continues to fascinate me.”