CCP Annual Appeal
In 2011, CCP enabled 349 artists to exhibit their work, presented 22 workshops, 58 lectures, education programs and artist talks.
Your contribution to CCP as an audience member is valued.
Your donation to CCP is vital.
Your tax-deductible gift will:
Host CCP’s website for one month – $25
Provide wall text for exhibitions – $50
Keep the gallery lights on for one month – $500
Support our youth community arts education program – $2,000
Produce an exhibition catalogue – $3,500
Pay exhibition fees for five artists – $4,300
Buy CCP its own building – $7,000,000
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. Please use the online secure payments form to make an online donation using your credit card. If you prefer not to use the online form, or would like to donate to CCP via cheque, please download the CCP Donation Form or call +61 3 9417 1549.