Sunday Arts features photographic fine art works
Sunday Arts this week aired a story on a particularly interesting photojournalist, Stephen Dupont. Stephen was recently awarded a Logie for his report on the suicide bombing which nearly cost him his life, entitled Afghanistan a Survivor’s Tale.
In addition, Stephen has released limited edition books, which are so much more than simply a collection of his photographic fine art works.
Sunday Arts describes the books:
“Each photograph is developed by Dupont and he etches text by hand into the metal covers of the books with a razor blade. Like a diary, paintings and personal anecdotes feature alongside the photographs”.
The sought after books have been know to fetch up to $60, 000 each! However, if you are on a slightly tighter budget than this – copies of this artist’s works can be found at the National Library of Australia, the University of California, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, Dartmouth College and Stanford University.
You can catch the Sunday Arts TV program on ABC1, 5PM Sundays.
Very good info can be found on weblog.