For The Love of The Dark – Prints from the darkroom

Darkroom print works

Prints from the darkroom

The Colour Factory would like to welcome this diverse and talented group of artists opening THIS THURSDAY 15th of June from 6 - 8pm

For The Love of The Dark is a visual compendium of darkroom works from some of Australia’s most accomplished print makers. Showcasing the precision and technique involved in the craft of dark room printing, Colour Factory is proud to present works from Phill Virgo, Linsey Gosper, Shane Waghorne, David Tatnall, Ellie Young, Tom Goldner and Sophie Caligari.

“The photograph is literally an emanation of the referent. From a real body, which was there, proceed radiations which ultimately touch me, who am here; the duration of the transmission is insignificant; the photograph of the missing being, as Sontag says, will touch me like the delayed rays of a star.”



Darkroom | Tom Goldner | Print